Craft soap-making workshop (Shabunda and Kalima)
The population of Shabunda lives in conditions of extreme poverty due to its landlocked location. One group has been particularly affected: young girls (sometimes underage) who have had children with the soldiers. As a result, they have been rejected by their families and society. Alone and living on the streets, they cannot provide for themselves or their children. This project therefore provides them social and economic assistance.
The project was carried out as follows:
- Raising awareness among local, military and traditional authorities. This first stage is crucial to the smooth running of the project.
- Recruitment of the management team.
- Raising awareness among 20 young mothers identified as being the most in need: the management team encouraged the young mothers to attend the training course; a climate of trust was created around them so that they could rebuild their lives psychologically.
- Setting up the project by purchasing the necessary equipment and supplies.
- Training young mothers in traditional soap production techniques.
Since 2008, around fifty young women have taken the course. Today, these training courses are financed thanks to the ‘snowball effect’: the young women who initially received help donate a percentage of their income to the association. This enables the association to invest in raw materials for a new group. This ensures the long-term future of the project.
Commune de Nivelles
2.300 euros
Alliance Kivu projects
- Setting up a child sponsorship system in schools in Shabunda, Kalima, Kasongo, Bukavu and Kinshasa
- Renovation of Yuyu primary school (Shabunda)
- Creation of a local community radio station: Radio Mutanga (Shabunda)
- Creation of vocational training centres: bricklaying, carpentry, brick-making and tile-making (Shabunda)
- Creation of a centre for the exploitation and demonstration of agro-pastoral activities (Shabunda-Kabakita)
- Creation of a social hairdressing salon (Shabunda)
- Relaunching agriculture (Shabunda)
- Installation of a manioc grinder (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Craft soap-making workshop (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Rehabilitation of 18 fish ponds (Kalima)
- Installation of a palm oil production unit (Kalima)
- Exploitation of a rice field and installation of a paddy husking machine (Kalima)
- Opening of a mixed boarding school (Kasongo)
- Exploitation of a rice field (Kalima)