With Alliance Kivu, you have the guarantee that your donation, even a modest one, will be used wisely to support one of our projects in Kivu.

Help us to change the lives of so many men and women in Kivu.

Tax deductibility of your donations

Since 2008, Alliance Kivu has received accreditation to issue attestations in accordance with article 145³³, §1er, alinéa 2 of the 1992 Income Tax Code. 
Starting at 40 euros per year, donations to Alliance Kivu are tax-deductible. On 1st March each year, data relating to donations received in the previous year is directly encoded into the FPS Finance's Belcotax application. 
This information is then integrated into the electronic tax declaration. A tax attestation is also sent to the donor.  

In practice

You can make a payment to the bank account BE73 0689 3849 7760 of Alliance Kivu ASBL, with the mention ‘DONATION’ in communication. 

You will receive a tax certificate for all payments of at least €40.

... and leave us a message of support using our contact form below.

Contact form