Our projects
Since 2001, a number of projects have been carried out to help women become financially self-sufficient, to provide basic schooling for children, to offer vocational training in useful trades to former child soldiers and other school drop-outs who are in short supply locally, and to help farmers become self-sufficient in food.
Thanks in particular to vocational training in the building professions, the face of Shabunda is changing. Solid brick houses with tiled roofs are gradually replacing the fragile mud huts with straw and palm branch roofs. In Shabunda, Radio Communautaire Mutanga enables all sections of the population to take part in debates and bring their ideas to the discussion. In this landlocked area, with no easily accessible internet link or telephone facilities, radio is the communication tool par excellence for sending messages to people living in villages far from the centre of Shabunda. In Kalima, in the territory of Pangi, an entire population can now benefit from sources of animal protein (fish ponds and small cattle rearing units) at an affordable price.
Alliance Kivu projects
- Setting up child sponsorship system in schools in Shabunda, Kalima, Kasongo, Bukavu and Kinshasa
- Renovation of Yuyu primary school (Shabunda)
- Creation of a local community radio station: Radio Mutanga (Shabunda)
- Creation of vocational training centres: bricklaying, carpentry, brick-making and tile-making (Shabunda)
- Creation of a centre for the exploitation and demonstration of agro-pastoral activities (Shabunda-Kabakita)
- Creation of a social hairdressing salon (Shabunda)
- Relaunching agriculture (Shabunda)
- Installation of a manioc grinder (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Craft soap-making workshop (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Rehabilitation of 18 fish ponds (Kalima)
- Installation of a palm oil production unit (Kalima)
- Exploitation of a rice field and installation of a paddy husking machine (Kalima)
- Opening of a mixed boarding school (Kasongo)
- Exploitation of a rice field (Kalima)