Our team
Nelly Mercier, President
I take my role seriously and to the best of my ability, I have been working since 2003 to move projects forward in Kivu. I'm a senior auditor at the Belgian Court of Audit and, as part of my job, I monitor the proper use of the funds made available to the association. I have made several trips to my home country to see the progress of the projects in situ. These trips have been rich in many ways. A return to my roots, in a way.
Charles Nalwango, coordinator of Alliance Kivu Congo
I was born in Shabunda and have worked in Congo all my career. In Bukavu, together with other intellectuals from Shabunda, we created a dynamic for community development in our region. Then, in 2003, we simultaneously created Alliance Kivu Congo and its twin sister, Alliance Kivu Belgique. That was the start of our dream, which has continued to bear fruit for the entire population of the Shabunda and Kalima region, an area that is totally landlocked and excluded from any government development programme. 20 years later, together with a close-knit team of volunteers driven by a common ideal, we continue to fight for the rights of small communities.
I love my country and my homeland.
Josée Lusungu
Alliance Kivu, I got my hands on it when it was created. Normal, I was born there, as was my sister Nelly. I just couldn't remain inactive watching this surge of generosity towards the people enclaved in the villages of the equatorial forest. Congolese fund-raising dinners are my business. Sharing the flavours of Kivu with people from all over the world builds bridges that cement friendships. This is my contribution to this major development cooperation project.

Nathalie Dekeyser
I have been a member of the Alliance Kivu association since it was founded in 2003. I joined, attracted by this wonderful project with a human dimension, no megalomania (we're not going to remake the world), just projects that respond to immediate needs identified by the villagers themselves. I stayed because every hour I spent helping to set up a project had a tangible impact on the lives of hundreds of people.
Olivier Beaujean
I have a degree in law and communications and work for Droits Quotidiens. Alongside my professional activity, I try to devote time to those in need and put my abilities at the service of various non-profit organisations. My involvement with Alliance Kivu is an opportunity to support a wonderful region that shines through the smiles and enthusiasm of its inhabitants.

Bernard Deharre - Administrator
I'm Financial Director of the City of Ciney and a member of the Commission Communale Ciney Ville du Monde. My municipality has been helping to fund Alliance Kivu projects since 2009. During a trip to Shabunda in 2010, I was able to see for myself the remarkable work of the members of Alliance Kivu Congo and the pertinence of the projects put in place to improve the lives of the inhabitants, who live in unbelievably precarious conditions. I have since joined the ranks of Alliance Kivu Belgique and take part in its activities.
Philippe Laurent
As head of the workshop at the Institut de La Providence in Ciney, I joined the Commission Ciney Ville du Monde in 2008. Since then, various projects have been carried out in Shabunda. Several members of the association have been able to visit the site to see the significant progress made on the various projects. That's how I joined Alliance Kivu in order to help set up new projects.

Roland Graas
Active in church life in Nivelles, in 2000 I accompanied a group of young people to Taizée and during this trip I met Simon Pierre, chaplain for this retreat. We shared our knowledge and experiences of Africa. He made me aware of the difficulties in the Shabunda region. From there, our wonderful Alliance Kivu adventure was partly born. The town of Nivelles, via its North-South Consultative Council, supports our development projects in the Shabunda region.
Eric Paquet - Administrator
In 2009, I had the chance to travel to Kivu to help Alliance Kivu set up its training centre project. I discovered a world so different from our own, but so attractive for its landscape, its people and its potential. I went back in 2011, 2014 and 2022. I'm a social worker and, as such, I bring my experience and enthusiasm to Alliance Kivu and to the Congo, because they are well worth it. I like the way the association works: we exchange with the local people, we learn from each other and it's very rewarding. I'm growing through contact with people I've been lucky enough to meet since my involvement. I want to give back to Alliance Kivu Belgique and Congo what they have given me.

Jean-Noël de Gottal
My wife learnt to read and write at the Yuyu school in Shabunda. I then slowly discovered this region of contrasts that are hard to understand: ‘rich’ but full of poverty. And then one day the light went on: Alliance Kivu, with very limited resources, really succeeded in changing the lives of hundreds of families in Kivu. A small team of men and women, here and there, set up a simple, effective and long-lasting development aid system. Naturally, me too, like a hummingbird, I have decided to do my part and have joined this wonderful Alliance Kivu team.

Guillaume Bonga
I have been Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alliance Kivu since its creation in 2003. My former professions, such as coordinator of schools in Shabunda and former mayor of Bukavu, are an asset for the activities of our organisation. This gives me a perfect knowledge of the area in which we work and sometimes opens doors in certain administrative procedures. Despite some health problems, I am actively involved in all Alliance Kivu's activities to the best of my ability, and everything is going well so far.
Long live Alliance Kivu and its vision of helping those in need

Anne-Marie Camus
In 2011, as part of my work as an alderman for the City of Ciney, I had the opportunity to travel to the Congo to meet our local contacts and evaluate the projects we had funded. I discovered ‘another world’ and realised that a handful of euros from here would enable a multitude of small projects to be set up over there, mainly to contribute to improving the very precarious situation of women and encouraging a bit of autonomy. I therefore decided to give a little of my time to the ‘Ciney Ville du Monde’ local committee, which works closely with Alliance Kivu. What we're implementing is just a tiny drop in the ocean, but in return for the welcome received over there, I can at least give them ‘this’.

Baptiste de Gottal
Having heard Nelly and my father, Jean-Noël, talk about Alliance Kivu for years, it was quite naturally that in 2022 I decided to join this wonderful association. Alliance Kivu is a magnificent initiative led by men and women eager to bring their support to a population in a region that is so ‘rich’, but at the same time extremely poor.
Keen to have a positive social impact, I am therefore taking part in the activities run by Alliance Kivu, alongside my studies in Sport Management.

Vanessa Mango - Administrator
I was born in Bukavu and during my holiday in the Congo in 2021, I was able to talk to Charles Nalwango, who introduced me to the causes defended by the association. Wishing to take part in the voluntary sector and bring my contribution to it, I then decided to embark on the adventure.
I'm a jurist and I work in insurance. I'm involved in the association's activities in Belgium, and I'm happy to bring a smile to the faces of so many people who benefit from our projects.