Installation of a manioc grinder (Shabunda and Kalima)
A mini motorised manioc grinder has been purchased to ease the drudgery of women who have to do the hard work of pounding the manioc to obtain the flour needed to prepare ‘bukali’ or ‘fufu’, a staple food in this region.
This project is remarkable for the way it is managed. Each housewife gives two measures of flour each time she visits the grinder. The flour collected is sold on the market. The funds raised are used to pay the mill operator and to buy fuel to run the flour machine. In addition, the first group has to replenish the capital (450 $) so that another group can acquire a mini manioc grinder.
A mini mill meets the needs of only around thirty families. Other villages would like to acquire their own grinders. However, it takes a relatively long time to raise the funds needed to buy a mill, which is why external financing for one or more other mills is essential.
This project is an extension of the project aboutrelaunching the agriculture in Shabunda.
1,100 euros made up as follows:
- Purchase of the mini grinder, 450 euros
- Transport (air freight), €200
- Indemnity for the mill manager (2 months), 300 euros
- Fuel purchase (2 months), 80 euros
- Administration fee (Alliance Kivu Congo office), 50 euros
- Bank charges, 20 euros
Alliance Kivu projects
- Setting up a child sponsorship system in Shabunda, Kalima, Kasongo, Bukavu and Kinshasa
- Renovation of Yuyu primary school (Shabunda)
- Creation of a local community radio station: Radio Mutanga (Shabunda)
- Creation of vocational training centres: bricklaying, carpentry, brick-making and tile-making (Shabunda)
- Creation of a centre for the exploitation and demonstration of agro-pastoral activities (Shabunda-Kabakita)
- Creation of a social hairdressing salon (Shabunda)
- Relaunching agriculture (Shabunda)
- Installation of a manioc grinder (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Craft soap-making workshop (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Rehabilitation of 18 fish ponds (Kalima)
- Installation of a palm oil production unit (Kalima)
- Exploitation of a rice field and installation of a paddy husking machine (Kalima)
- Opening of a mixed boarding school (Kasongo)
- Exploitation of a rice field (Kalima)