Renovation of Yuyu primary school (Shabunda)
From September 2003 to April 2004, the first project we supported and implemented was the renovation of the Yuyu primary school in Shabunda (South Kivu). The EPA Yuyu school complex was built of baked bricks but covered with metal sheets that needed to be replaced. The school had twelve operational classrooms and a headmaster's office. With the school's population growing, at least four new classrooms needed to be built.
Thanks to donations, the school has been completely renovated. Twelve additional classrooms have been built, including latrines. 600 children currently attend the school.
- Ecole de la Maillebotte (Nivelles, Belgique)
- The ‘Luusu’ organisation of the Belgian Lega
- Friends of Ciney in Shabunda
- Yuyu school parents' workforce
10.000 USD
Alliance Kivu projects
- Setting up a child sponsorship system in schools in Shabunda, Kalima, Kasongo, Bukavu and Kinshasa
- Renovation of Yuyu primary school (Shabunda)
- Creation of a local community radio station: Radio Mutanga (Shabunda)
- Creation of vocational training centres: bricklaying, carpentry, brick-making and tile-making (Shabunda)
- Creation of a centre for the exploitation and demonstration of agro-pastoral activities (Shabunda-Kabakita)
- Creation of a social hairdressing salon (Shabunda)
- Relaunching agriculture (Shabunda)
- Installation of a manioc grinder (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Craft soap-making workshop (Shabunda and Kalima)
- Rehabilitation of 18 fish ponds (Kalima)
- Installation of a palm oil production unit (Kalima)
- Exploitation of a rice field and installation of a paddy husking machine (Kalima)
- Opening of a mixed boarding school (Kasongo)
- Exploitation of a rice field (Kalima)