Since 2008
Alliance Kivu helps several families to get their children into school.
Become godparent
Giving a little boy or girl the chance to take lessons in good conditions.
For 20 euros per month
Payment of all school fees and delivery of a kit containing school supplies (notebooks, pencils, school bags, uniforms, shoes, etc.) at the beginning of each school year.
Your sponsored child
We do everything we can to make communication with your godchild possible. The children to be sponsored are of all ages, from primary to secondary school.
+ 40 children follow their scholarships thanks to their godfathers and godmothers.
Help Alliance Kivu to support even more children and become a godparent yourself.
Tax deductibility of your donations
Since 2008, Alliance Kivu has received accreditation to issue attestations in accordance with article 145³³, §1er, alinéa 2 of the 1992 Income Tax Code.
Starting at 40 euros per year, donations to Alliance Kivu are tax-deductible. On 1st March each year, data relating to donations received in the previous year is directly encoded into the FPS Finance's Belcotax application.
This information is then integrated into the electronic tax declaration. A tax attestation is also sent to the donor.
Activity report
Alliance Kivu provides all the information, practical modalities of your commitment and the way in which you will be able to follow the progress of the child you have sponsored.
Every year, you will receive a report on the project's activities as well as your godchild's school results. Even if communication with the villages is difficult, Alliance Kivu makes every effort to facilitate communication between godparents and godchildren. The children to be sponsored are of all ages, from primary to secondary school.

In practice
Make a standing order (20 euros/month) on the bank account BE73 0689 3849 7760 of Alliance Kivu ASBL with the mention ‘DONATION POUR LES ENFANTS’.
Send us your full contact details
- Either by e-mail at
- or by using our contact form below